Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hubbub Photo Booth Images

I'm hoping to work on a recap of the Hubbub over the weekend. Until then, enjoy some pictures from our photo booth (thanks for the video, Patsy!):

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Hubbub is Almost Here

The Hub's big K Week event is less than two weeks away! We've planned a number of fun new activities this year, including a makeover counter from Sephora. I'll be sure to do a lengthy write-up after the event.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Getting Ready for the Hubbub

On Friday, Shawn, Beth, and I did a test run of the "photo booth" planned for the Hubbub, our big student party on Monday, August 25, 6-8 pm. The photo booth is one of many activities scheduled for the evening. Our plan is for students to put on silly hats and other props if they wish (or even hold a book!) and get a picture made in our studio. Upon signing the standard university release, we'll do a bit of Photoshopping and post to flickr. Should be lots of fun! Here's my test shot from the photo booth.