Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Facebook Friend Lists

This may be old news already, but as I was catching up on some feeds, I learned that Facebook now allows you to organize your friends in lists.

For someone who has been on Facebook for a couple of years and has accumulated friends from a number of sources, this is a handy feature. My LinkedIn and MySpace contacts are pretty straightforward--my LinkedIn contacts are all business-related and MySpace friends are mostly old high school or college friends. But my Facebook friends run the gamut--some are students, others are SLA colleagues, several are co-workers, then there are a few college friends in there. Finally there are those people you meet at a conference and then friend on returning, rather than filing a business card in the rolodex. The new Friend List feature should help in organizing my Facebook contacts. An added bonus is that you can address a message to a Friend List, rather than typing in individual names (like an Outlook distribution list). So Facebook messaging my SLA friends or my co-workers will be a snap!

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