Monday, January 14, 2008

Blue 2.0 is Live!

Our library staff training program, Blue 2.0, has started with a bang. The first assignment just went up this morning, and already over a dozen participants have started blogging. How cool is that!

For the week one/week two assignment:

Though I blogged on group blogs for a couple of years, I didn't launch my own blog until July 2007. I wish I'd started sooner. Blogging helps me better formulate my thoughts and articulate how a particular technology or service might be useful to us. The catch is of course to motivate yourself to write (I've had a post about The Big Switch in draft as I've been reading it over the last two weeks--hopefully you'll see that post soon). I also enjoy sharing stories with other librarians about things we've done at the Hub. In fact, I've used my blog as a sort of librarian FAQ for the Hub. Ask me about my experience with Library Stats and I'll gladly share this with you.

When I began my faculty position at UK Libraries in August 2001, I became an AIM chatter. Since Library Technical Support was in a close cubicle environment, it was essential for everyone's sanity for all of us to use AIM as much as possible, though we certainly had our share of over-the-cube chats. We've been doing chat reference for years now, and you can even contact the Hub desk via chat. For the record, I'm buffybot27 on AIM.

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